About 3,000 police will boost security in major conflicts in the world of India's Cup against England on Sunday after the violence in mid-week when the desperate efforts of the amateur entries.
"We drove about 3,000 police, 700 traffic policemen in and around the stadium to ensure foolproof security for Sunday's game," Bangalore Police Commissioner Shankar Bidari said Friday.
Fans of the police baton-charged, after thousands had queued on Wednesday night outside of Mr. Chinnaswamy stadium in the vain hope of putting his hand over the ticket allocation for 7000.
According to estimates, the crowd figure at 30,000 for the land and the police were widely criticized for their heavy-handed response with pictures of officers armed with bamboo circulates rapidly around the world.
Panic ticket has been partially caused by last-minute decision to watch the game at Eden Gardens in Calcutta.
"The special security provided for the hundreds of England fans expected to arrive in town to watch the game," said Bidari.
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